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Parasha "Bo" (Shemot - Exodus)
"It is not possible to achieve the ideal without suffering" Parasha "Bo" (Shemot-Exodus 10: 1 - 13:16) In this Parasha we can learn that it is possible to get out of any exile! Our Patriarchs had to go through great sufferings and pains before entering the Land of Israel ... The hardest thing they endured was the ridicule, ridicule and slander of "the cynics who tried to discourage them" and to separate them from their ideal! (Likutey Moharán 1.72) We must never get discouraged, but we must motivate ourselves to overcome these obstacles, and be very careful of those "cynics"...
Parasha Shemot
“And it happened during those many days, that the king of Egypt died and the children of Israel groaned from work and cried out; and his groaning over work ascended to the Creator. The Creator heard their lament and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Yaakov ” (Shemot -Exodus 2: 23-24) The people of Israel cried out to the Eternal because of the terrible Egyptian slavery, and the Torah tells us that God heard their cry, that is your prayer. Likewise, the verses recall the covenant between God and the holy Patriarchs regarding the redemption of...
Parasha Vaigash
“Israel traveled with everything he had; he came to Beer Sheva and offered offerings to the God of Yitzchak, his father ”(Beresheet 46: 1) Rashi explains about the phrase "to the G-d of Yitzchak, his father" that the person should honor his father more than his grandfather, therefore, Yitzjak was mentioned and not Abraham. When Yaakov Avinu was notified that Yosef was alive in Egypt, he had immeasurable joy. Mainly due to the fact that Yosef had governed himself and did not forget the Torah that he had studied. Yaakov was not happy because of the political and physical power...
Parasha "Vayeshev"
This Parasha we find it in the book of Bereshit-Genesis 37: 1 40:23. "Israel (Yaakob) loved Yosef more than his brothers, because he was born in his old age, and he made him a striped tunic. And his brothers saw that he loved him more his father, and they hated him, and could not speak to him peacefully " (Bereshit 37, 3) In Gemara ( T. Shabbat 10a) said “Never a father should make distinctions between his children, because for the two Selaim (coins) Yaakob spent more than Yosef (in the purchase of his tunic), his brothers were envious, and...
Parasha Vaietzé
"Yaacov left Beersheva and went to Haran" (Bereshit-Genesis 28.10-32.3) When we want to ascend from one level to another, many obstacles arise that confront us, those obstacles are mainly found in our imagination and illusions and these arise from anger. When Yaacov wanted to ascend from the "seventh level "As it is written: from" Beer Sheva "it literally translates: (from the seventh well of water) to a higher level, it came out for" Haran ", which its root in Hebrew is the same as" JaRóN "(Divine Wrath) , Signifying the obstacles he would face before reaching his goal. Yet Yaacov...