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Parasha Bamidvar
“The Creator spoke to Moshe in the Sinai desert, in the tent of meeting, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after his departure from the land of Egypt , saying… ”( Bamidbar 1: 1 ). The Midrash 1 clarifies why the Torah emphasizes that the Creator spoke with Moshe in the Sinai desert, if we already knew: he makes himself hefker, 'without an owner' like the desert, he cannot acquire wisdom or Torah; that is why it was said ‘… in the Sinai desert’ ”. The Midrash commentators explain what the Torah refers to...
Parasha Behar-Bejukotai (Vaykra-Leviticus 25,1-27,34)
The Great Promise of Bejukotai "Material blessings for spiritual achievements" This message from Parasha "Bejukotai" is just and perfect to help us get out of the difficulties that have come in recent times, that is why we have quoted it again ... Although there were other larger and higher mountains, the Creator decided to give the Torah on the smallest mountain: "Mount Sinai". And why did he choose Mount Sinai? Because the necessary condition to be able to receive the Torah is that there is humility! But how is it possible to subdue the ego and be humble like Mount...
Parasha Ajarei mot-Kedoshim Vaikra (Leviticus) 16: 1–18: 30 and 19: 1–20: 27
This Parasha focuses on holiness. The Jewish people not only have an obligation to adhere to the Creator's commandments, but through them we sanctify ourselves and become sacred. In these two parashiot , which are generally read together, the Torah gives us specific instructions to achieve this lofty goal. What matters is not only what we should do , but equally important is what we should avoid doing. "Do not imitate the practices of the land of Egypt in which you dwelt, and do not imitate the practices of the land of Canaan to which I bring you, and do...
Parasha Tazira - Metzora (Vayikra-Lev 12,1-15,33)
"When a woman conceives ..." (12: 2) If Man is worthy, if he makes his soul the essence of his being, then he precedes all creation. Because it was the spirit of Man that floated above the depths even before the creation of light. But if he is not worthy, if he boasts of his physical dimension, then of terms of physical precedence of Creation, even the mosquito comes before him ... For this reason, the Torah treats the laws of purity of Man after the laws of purity of animals: just as the physical creation of Man comes after...
"Parasha Shemini" (Vayikra -Leviticus 9: 1-11, 47)
In one of the most anticipated, anticipated, and spectacular moments of the Jumash, after months and months of preparation and hard work, the Mishkan is complete. Moshe performs the sacred service of his inauguration for seven days, so that the Kohanim family can learn and take on this great responsibility. At its culmination on the eighth day, his older brother Aharon, in an act of handover from the priesthood, performs with great humility all the rites and special sacrifices of the day, and as the pasuk says, still above the great altar, it occurs to him to bless to all...