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In one of the most anticipated, anticipated, and spectacular moments of the Jumash, after months and months of preparation and hard work, the Mishkan is complete. Moshe performs the sacred service of his inauguration for seven days, so that the Kohanim family can learn and take on this great responsibility. At its culmination on the eighth day, his older brother Aharon, in an act of handover from the priesthood, performs with great humility all the rites and special sacrifices of the day, and as the pasuk says, still above the great altar, it occurs to him to bless to all...

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Shabbat Shalom! "And Moshe gathered all the congregation of the Bnei Israel and said to them: These are the things that Hashem ordered to do. For six days you will do your work and the seventh day will be sacred for you, a Shabbat completely for Hashem, and anyone who does a job will be condemned to death "(Shemot 35,1) The great Sages explain to us in the Hagada: From the beginning of the Torah to the end, there is no other Parasha that begins with the verb “gather”. Hashem said to Moshe: Make a great Assembly and you will...

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"When you do the census of the Israelites to determine their number, each one will be counted giving a ransom (expiation offering) for their life. In this way, they will not be hurt by the plague when they are counted " (Shemot- Exodus 30.12) The great commentator Rashi explains that it was forbidden to do the census (literally counting heads of the Benei Israel), rather "take half a shekel per person and count the shekelim" Why should we count the Jews with shekelim and then give them for charity and thus avoid the plague that is unleashed by telling the...

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"Likewise you will order the children of Israel to bring pure olive oil, pressed, to light the lamp continually" (Shemot- Exodus 27,20) The name of this Parasha is "Tetzave" from the book Shemot - Exodus 27,20 - 30,10) The power of self-annulment or cancellation that must awaken in each one of us so that we may be able to enlighten ourselves "Lighting the Menorah", אור המנורה- האור הגנוז (Or HaMenorah - Or Haganuz) The Eternal ordered Moshe ... " Likewise you will order the children of Israel to bring pure olive oil, pressed, to light the lamp continually "(Shemot- Exodus...

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"Speak to the Children of Israel and tell them to take an offering for Me" (Shemot-Exodus 25: 2) We wonder why the Torah uses the word veikju (let them take) and not veitnú (give)? The sages explain to us that in truth what a person has materially is what he gives for tzedaka (charity). Although it is possible that someone has a lot of money, however it is not considered that it belongs to him but only that it was "deposited" in his hands temporarily. Only what he gives for tzedaka belongs to him! just as our Sages said regarding...

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