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Parasha Debarim
"These are the words that Moshe said to all Israel in the desert, (...) in the plain, in front of Suf." (Devarim-Deut 1,1) The book of Devarim is called "the book of reproach" , because Moshe, at the end of his days, reproaches the People of Israel so that correct and improve your actions. And what did Moshe speak with them? Verse (Devarim 1: 1) says about this: "in the desert, in the plain, in front of Suf", thus hinting at the moment when the person is taken to his grave. And since the person knows that in the end...
We can lift our heads, only with the study of the Torah
Parasha Naso (Bamidbar-Numbers 4: 21-7: 89) "We can lift our heads only through Torah study" "Make the reckoning of the sons of Guershon" In the Midrash (Bemidbar 6,1) it says that it is written (Mishlei 3,15) “It is more precious than pearls, and everything you could wish for can't be compared to her ” . The pearls (peninim) always indicate a beginning, as is said (Ruth 4,7): “This is how it used to be (lefanim) in Israel”. It is difficult to understand: What does “the beginning” mean when it refers to the Torah and mitzvot and what evidence does this...
Parasha Bamidbar (in the desert)
"Take a census of the entire assembly of Israel according to their families, according to their parental houses " (Bamidbar 1: 2) In this parsha he teaches us about the census that was carried out on the Children of Israel to find out how many there were. Being that the whole Torah has the objective of teaching us how we should behave. What does the census of the Israelites teach us? Why is each tribe counted separately and not all tribes together? Likewise, after all the tribes have been counted and how many there were, the members of Levi's tribe...
Material blessings for spiritual achievements ...
" The Great Promise of Bejukotai" Parasha Behar - Bechukotai (Vaykra-Leviticus 25.1 - 27.34) In the relationship that exists between the Parashiot Behar and Bejukotai, we learn that in order to have the merit of acquiring the Torah that was given on Mount Sinai, the person must first be humble just as Mount Sinai is. Although there were other larger and higher mountains, the Creator decided to give the Torah on the smallest mountain: "Mount Sinai". And why did he choose Mount Sinai? Because the necessary condition to be able to receive the Torah is that there is humility! But...
It all depends on our preparation
Parasha Emor (Vaykra-Leviticus 21,1 - 24, 23) Counting the Omer helps us prepare for Shavuot, by counting each day until we reach the holiday with alleles and with a desire to receive our Torah. "They will count 50 days until the day after the seventh Shabbat and then they will bring a vegetable offering of new grain for the Creator" (Vaykra-Leviticus 23,16) It is known that the wisdom of the sacred Torah is different from the rest of the wisdoms, which do not require any preparation prior to study. If the person really wants to acquire it and for the...