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"From Moshe son of Amrám, who received the Torah on Mount Sinai, to Moshe son of Maimon author of Mishne Torah, there was no other resemblance to Moshe son of Maimon. Hence the famous phrase: From Moshe to Moshe there was no other like Moshe! Today the 20th of the month of Tevet is the Hailula of our Grand Master, HaTzadik Rabenu B'Morenu Moshé ben Maimón (Maimonides) (1135-1204) Today we remember him through his shocking history, an incomparable Master! Maimonides was born in Córdoba, Spain, a day before Pesach, Nisan 14, 1135. His father, Rabbi Maimon, was a great scholar....

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Hilula Rabi Meir, Rabi Meir -

Hoy catorce del mes Iyar "Pesaj Sheni" es también la Hilula del Tana HaKadosh "Rabi Meir Baal Hanes" Tantas veces hemos escuchado y leído sobre "Rabi Meir", en muchas ocasiones también damos tzedaka en su nombre y leemos plegarias mencionando, que sean escuchadas por el merito de él, ¿pero quien fue realmente rabi Meir Baal Hanes? Rabí Meir fue el más grande de los tanaítas de la cuarta generación, el más importante de los alumnos de Rabí Akiva. Rabí Meir tuvo un papel importante en la recopilación de la Mishná . El rabino Meir Baal HaNess (rabino Meir, Maestro de los...

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The day after Rosh Hashanah, that is, on the 3rd of Tishrei, we observe a fast day called: "The fast of Gedalia" This fast was ordered by Our Sages to remember the murder of Gedalia Ben Ajikam, who was killed by Ishmael Ben Netania at the instigation of the King of Amun. With the death of Gedaliá, the last leader of Jewish autonomy after the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem was extinguished, thousands of people were killed, and those who remained alive were exiled. When Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, destroyed the first Bet Hamikdash and exiled the people...

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"The Creator places good and evil before you, so you can choose" Parasha Ree (Devarim-Deut 11: 26-16: 17) In this Parasha the instructions that the Creator gives us are very clear. " Go," says Moshe to the people of Israel, "Look what I put in front of you today, the blessing and the curse", the blessing that will come when they observe the Divine commandments and the curse if they abandon them. There is Parasha as we already mentioned, it is very clear, since the Eternal tells us to go for it path of obedience, now it is up to...

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"Yom Yerushalayim" A day like today was heard: "The Temple Mount is in our hands" During the Six Day War, the people of Israel with Divine Help, could forcefully defeat their enemies! The war took place on three fronts and during the 6 days that the fighting lasted, our enemies collapsed and were absolutely defeated. And in those days all the holy places of Judea and Samaria were liberated, and above all, "Jerusalem the site of the Holy Temple", the Sinai peninsula and the Goslan Heights. Anyone who contemplated the events with a spark of faith in his heart, clearly...

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