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Parasha Lej leja "Get out of yourself"
"Lech Lecha" Bereshit-Genesis 12: 1-17,27. It is written: "Go away of your land and the place of your birth and your father's house .. I will make of you a great nation, I will bless you and make your name great " The challenges that must have faced our Patriarch Abraham must also be faced by his descendants! ((Lej Lejá)) literally means: "GO TO YOU" (go to your soul), which is your true self. May all your travels and searches focus on discovering your soul and its root. How is it possible to achieve it? "Leaving your land", moving away...
Parasha Noah
This Parasha is a portion full of great messages for all humanity. It is written "Noah (Noah) was a Tzadik (a righteous one), he was perfect in his generation. Noah walked with the Creator" (Bereshit-Genesis 6,9) -Noah (Noe) symbolizes peace, since the name shares the same root as the word "Naj" (נח) rest, and the Name "Elohim" The Holy Name of the blessed Creator, refers to the judgments . Noah represents the perfect righteous of each generation who continually seek to mitigate and sweeten the Creator's judgments- The Creator contemplated the earth and here it was corrupted because all flesh...
Parasha Shoftim
“Judges and policemen you will put for yourself in all your gates that Hashem your God gives you for you. And a just justice will judge the people "(18:18) (Parasha "Shoftim" Debarim-Deuteronomy 16:18 - 21: 9) It should be asked why the Torah begins by expressing itself in the plural, judges, policemen, and ends in the singular, will you put it for yourself? The correct thing would be "They will put for you." If the Torah would write "They will lay for you", using the word "Lachem" (For you) which by altering the name of the letters forms "Meléch-King" we...
"You choose the way"
Parasha Ree (Devarim-Deut 11: 26-16: 17) In this Parasha the instructions that the Creator gives us are very clear. " Go," says Moshe to the people of Israel, "Look what I put before you today, the blessing and the curse", the blessing that will come when Observe the Divine commandments and the curse if you abandon them. There is Parasha as we already mentioned, it is very clear, since the Eternal tells us to go the path of obedience, now it is up to us to take that path or not. It is written in the Torah: "Look what I...
Parasha Vetjanan
"And I begged the Creator at that time saying O Eternal One! You have begun to show your greatness and Your strong hand, for what other God is there in heaven and on earth that can do Your works and may I have Your power? > As we already mentioned, the name of this Parasha is "Veetjanan" which translates as "I beg" In Hebrew VeetJaNaN comes from the root "JaNaN" and means "gracious" meaning an undeserved gift. And although the tzadikim (the great righteous) have many merits, they beg the Creator to grant them their requests as undeserved gifts. We...