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Parasha Kitisa (Shemot - Exodus 30, 11 - 34, 35) As everyone already knows, the whole world is going through very difficult times with the situation of this virus called Covid-19, but we must not forget that everything is directed by the Blessed Creator, and as always We mentioned "There are no coincidences and everything is for the best" because Blessed Hashem is the one who controls everything. In this week's Parasha we are even told of a ransom to be freed from "a plague", it is written: "When you do the census of the Israelites to determine their number,...

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Parasha Tetzave Shemot - Exodus 27,20 - 30,10 The power of self-annulment or cancellation that must awaken in each one of us so that we can be able to enlighten ourselves "Lighting the Menorah", אור המנורה- האור הגנוז (Ohr HaMenorah - Ohr Haganuz) The Eternal ordered Moshe ... "You will also order the children of Israel to bring pure olive oil, pressed, to light the lamp continually" (Shemot- Exodus 27,20) "Tetzave" (you will command or command) shares the same root as "Tzevet" (Unite). The Creator told Moses that he should connect - unite the people of Israel, thus making the...

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