Parasha Vayakel (Shemot - Exodus 35,1-40,38)
Shabbat Shalom!
"And Moshe gathered all the congregation of the Bnei Israel and said to them: These are the things that Hashem ordered to do. For six days you will do your work and the seventh
day will be sacred for you, a Shabbat completely for Hashem, and anyone who does a job will be condemned to death "(Shemot 35,1)
The great Sages explain to us in the Hagada: From the beginning of the Torah to the end,
there is no other Parasha that begins with the verb “gather”. Hashem said to Moshe: Make a great Assembly and you will expose in public the laws of Shabbat, so that future generations learn from you, to meet every Shabbat in the Batei Midrashot (houses of study) to study and teach the words of the Torah , 'what is allowed or prohibited', and so that My Great Name may be praised by my children.
The great Sage Japhets Chaim warns us:
I have heard something terrible. It seems that on Shabbatot and holidays, what which were set to be days of Sacred convocation to spread the Torah and the fear of Heaven, as it is written: "Remember the Shabbat day to sanctify it" And this has become the cause of numerous sins: all the vespers of Shabbat and Festival newspapers are published twice as thick in relation to weekdays, and the press and journalists take great pains to fill them with all kinds of frivolity, ridicule and rudeness. These copies are printed on the eve of Shabbat and the Holidays and many of our brothers the Bnei Israel spend the whole day of Holy Shabbat reading these frivolities.
Unhappy the ears that listen and unfortunate the eyes that see so much I despise the Holiness of Shabbat and the Holidays, since even on weekdays it is forbidden to read this type of thing!
The same punishment that those who mock will receive will also be applied to those who write and print them. But for the one who hears such a fact and is silent, the Sages have said that Hashem's anger will fall on him, and with much more reason those who drag thousands of people.
They are sinners, who make others sin and they will not be able to repent!
The Japhets Chaim concludes by saying: I am struck by the fact that correct people among our brothers, the Bnei Israel, who believe in Hashem and in his Torah, who know the gravity of sin, allow themselves to be drawn and seduced by the words of the evil instinct and spend many hours a day reading them. They know the seriousness of sin.
Why are they not aware of the negligence in the study of the Torah, as well as the terrible sin of mockery? In addition they assume a part of the sin of the public, because the mass of simple people, who observe that the correct people also read the newspapers, produces that they too
allow themselves to do so. It also catches my attention, that they are the ones who every day multiply the requests and supplications to Hashem to send us the Prophet Eliyahu and the Mashiach. How is it explained that they can make such requests? Will they be able to receive the prophet Eliyahu, while they are immersed in mockery and frivolous topics?
Is this the way to prepare for their arrival? Will their faces be filled with shame when Prophet Eliyahu finds them in such a situation? (From the letters of the Japhets Chaim)
It is no coincidence that in this Parasha we are reminded of the Holy day in which Hashem orders us to stop and leave our vanities and get closer to Him.Everything that happens around us are messages that the Creator himself sends us so that we return to Him, it is enough to take a few minutes and analyze everything that is happening in this world to realize that the call is very clear! "The time to prepare for Redemption is running out"
(Dedicated for the healing of all the sick of Am Israel and the whole world, for a speedy restoration, success and blessing for all those who spread the message of Emunah)
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