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Parasha "Lekh Lecha"
"And the Creator said to Abraham: Go from your land and the place of your birth and into your father's house, to the Land that I will show you" (Bereshit- Genesis 12,1) One of the messages of this important Parasha "Lech Lecha" (Bereshit-Genesis 1: 1-6 : 8) tells us that Abraham represents the soul of the person who wishes to serve the Creator. Such a person must leave behind "his land", (his materialism) His "birthplace" (his sensual pleasures and depression) and even the house of "his father" (family who tries to retain her in his service to the Creator. In...
Parasha Ekev
In the present Parasha Moshe Rabenu (Our great teacher Moses) before his death and shortly before the people entered the Promised Land and after a journey of forty years in the desert, he continues to remind the people about the great importance of the Precepts, their reward or punishment depending on the fact. At the beginning the Torah mentions us: "And you will say in your heart that the peoples are greater than us, how can I banish him? them, remember what the Creator your God did, with Pharaoh and with all Egypt, the great miracles that he did and...
Parasha Balak
This week we read the Parasha "Balak" found in the book of Bamidvar (Numbers 22,2 - 25,9) The Sefer HaJinuj points out that in this Parashat the Torah does not command us any mitzvah However, we can always find a lot to learn, since with each letter, the Torah comes to teach us something very important for our lives, let's see ... Bilam supposed that the Creator would agree to curse the Jewish people if he “reminded” him how promptly and frequently he had rebelled against him during his forty years in the desert. -Love conquers hatred- וַיָּקָם בִּלְעָם בַּבֹּקֶר...
Parasha Jukat
"If you are going to obey the Creator, don't question" Parasha Jukat Bamidvar -Numbers 19,1- 22. "A Jok of the Torah that the Eternal ordered, saying: Tell the children of Israel to bring a completely red cow ..." A Jok (it is a Decree of the Torah) a law whose reason is not revealed to us. For example, in the case of the present Parasha, the laws of the Red Cow, the Shaanetz (it is the prohibition of not mixing wool with flax) and the Kasherut ... "Obey without question" Although the motives for all mitzvot are beyond our understanding,...
Parasha Koraj (Bamidvar-Numbers 16-18)
One of the teachings that this Parasha e s brings us about the seriousness of the dispute. "Because Adam caused harm by eating from the Tree, he brought corruption and conflict to his seed. Immediately after sinning, Cain and Abel began to argue with each other. Their discussion was a precursor to all the disputes and conflicts to come, especially those against the Tzadikim (great righteous). Thus, their conflict spawned Koraj's conflict " (Likutey Halajot) Korach separated himself from Aaron the Kohen because he felt that he could support himself, he did not care about the evil inclination. In the...