Parasha Ki Tisá
"When you do the census of the Israelites to determine their number, each one will be counted giving a ransom (expiation offering) for their life. In this way, they will not be hurt by the plague when they are counted "
(Shemot- Exodus 30.12)
The great commentator Rashi explains that it was forbidden to do the census (literally counting heads of the Benei Israel), rather "take half a shekel per person and count the shekelim"
Why should we count the Jews with shekelim and then give them for charity and thus avoid the plague that is unleashed by telling the people? Wouldn't it be better not to count the town and avoid danger?
However, the account has a very important purpose. Each Jew serves the Creator according to his own abilities and limitations. Counting implies a constriction of the Divine desire that burns within each person, to help each Jew control his energies and serve the Creator in a measured way. The count is made through the "SheKeL" this word has the same root as miShKaL which means balance in Hebrew, on which each "individual" object is carefully weighed and delimited. (That way you can reach perfection).
When the people are counted, unity reigns, the way to count the people of Israel is through charity, for example, the donation of the "half Shekel" that was given for the Tabernacle.
In unity there are blessings and truth, whereas in multiplicity lies and curses appear.
The Torah forbids counting Jews, (which emphasizes their separation) lest one open the door to lies and curses instead.
Moses did the census collecting half a shekel from each Jew. Since charity unites the rich with the poor, and it represents unity, blessing and truth.
That is why when the people of Israel gave the half shekel to the Tabernacle and the Temple it automatically produced an interaction between them, since "each half requires the other half" to make a whole together. That interaction enlightens each person, helping them see their way to the right level of themselves and rise there. Thus by giving charity, one elevates his neighbor to levels that he could not previously reach.
Our Sages already said it "Charity saves from death"
Hashem wishes to see us united in love, helping each other "love of neighbor" Only in this way can we see the salvation of so many problems that have come to our generation, especially in recent times, where there is so much "gratuitous hatred".
May we be able to understand this message, so that each one can make the change and generate that love and that good that is so much needed, only then will we be able to see the Great Redemption, with the coming of our great Righteous One, "The true Mashiach" May it be soon and in our days!
(Dedicated for the prompt healing of all the sick in Am Israel and around the world, and for the success and blessing of all those who are dedicated to spreading the Emuna)
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