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Parasha Tazira-Metzora "the danger of lashon Hara"
Parasha Tazira Metzora (Vayikra-Leviticus 12, 1 - 15, 33) In this Parasha we will find various teachings with reference to lashon Hara (gossip or slander), this time we will talk about the birds that the leper had to bring for sacrifice according to Vayikra-Leviticus 14, 4 (our Sages taught that leprosy was the punishment for those who had slandered). And what can we learn from the blood of the slaughtered bird? In the process of purification of metzora (‘person affected with spots of tzaráat" leprosy ") “And the kohen will order and take for the one who is going to...
The great purpose of the exit from Egypt
"Parasha Hol Hamoed Pesach 5780" "Speak to the children of Israel and tell them: There are specific times (in the calendar) that you must celebrate as Feasts sacred to Hashem. These are my festivals" (Vaikrá-Leviticus 23, 2) Our sages say: "Shabbat and holidays were not given to Israel, but to dedicate himself to the study of Torah" and when the person consecrates himself studying it without wasting his time in superfluous vanities, he immediately deserves to enjoy the Torah and receives the Neshama Yeterá (a special soul) because the Torah is called Ner (luminary), as is said (Mishlé-Proverbs 6, 23)...
Only five days before the Redemption, the people celebrated "El Shabbat HaGadol"
This is the Shabbat that precedes Pesach and is called "Shabbat HaGadol" (The High Sabbath) for important reasons. There are also many special customs related to this Shabbat. Israel celebrated their first Hagadol Shabbat in Egypt, on the tenth day of the Month of Nisan (present month) five days before their redemption. On that Shabbat, the children of Israel received their first Mitzvah (Command) that was valid only for that moment and not for future generations. "On the tenth day of this month (Nisan) each one shall take one lamb for his father's house, one for his family ..." (Exodus...
Parasha Vayikra
Wishing that all humanity have a time of reflection, repentance and approach towards the Creator, that we can approach Him and thus obtain His Mercy so that all this plague can stop. This week's Parasha begins with the reading of the Book of Vayikra (Leviticus 1: 1-5: 26). It is an ancient custom to begin Torah education with children with the Sefer Vaykrá (Book of Leviticus). This is because children are pure, and Vaykrá speaks of sacrifices offered in a state of ritual "purity". As it is written: "Let the pure come and dedicate themselves to the study of the...
Parasha Vayakel
Parasha Vayakel (Shemot - Exodus 35,1-40,38) "And Moshe gathered all the congregation of the Bnei Israel and said to them: These are the things that Hashem ordered to do. For six days you will do your work and the seventh day will be sacred for you, a Shabbat completely for Hashem, and anyone who does a job will be sentenced to death "(Shemot 35,1) The great Sages explain to us in the Hagada: From the beginning of the Torah to the end, there is no other Parasha that begins with the verb "gather". Hashem said to Moshe: Make a great...