Parasha Shelách Lecha (Bamidbar – Lev 13, 1–15, 41)
"Send men for you so that may explore the land of Canaan" ( Bamidbar 13: 2)
The spies committed a terrible sin by speaking ill of the Promised Land. The great commentator Rashi asks why the Parasha that speaks of the spies was related to the Parsha that speaks of Miriam, and answers that it is because she had been punished for the slander she said of her brother, and these wicked ones saw the punishment that she received, but still did not assimilate the lesson.
The Israelites also believed what the spies said and they too wept. As the
verse says (Bamidbar 14: 1): “The whole assembly raised and uttered their voice, and the people cried that night ” ,
For this, the people of Israel were severely punished. The Gemara says (Taanit 29a): “Raba said on behalf of Rabbi Yochanan that that was the night
Likewise, the verse says (Ibid. 14:24): “But My servant Caleb, because a different spirit rent was with him and he followed Me fully, I will take him to the Earth where he arrived. ” How was Caleb's spirit different from the rest of the spies and how did he get the credit for reaching that level?
To understand this, we need to go back to the previous parashiot.
Parashat Bamidbar tells us about the census of each tribe in detail. Why were all these details important and a global report of the number of people in the village was not enough?
Likewise, in the Parasha Naso the Torah is extended in the account of the offerings of each leader in the time of the inauguration of the Tabernacle, detailing each one separately even though all the offerings were similar. On the other hand, to the thirty-nine forbidden tasks on Shabbat and other important laws, the Torah refers very briefly and even through allusions.
From this we understand that the census of the tribes was not simply a survey to find out the number of Israelites. The Creator knows all the secrets and He already knew how many there were.
The goal of counting each tribe separately was to teach that each tribe was important to the Creator.
Each tribe had special qualities that it had received from its ancestors, and that were not found in the other tribes. No person is equal to his fellow man, because each Jew has something unique and special that can only be learned from him.
That is why Hashem counted each tribe separately, giving importance to each one by itself, so that we would understand that each tribe has a special quality that we must learn from.
For example, from the tribe of Yehudah that has the kingship, we must learn the way to behave from a talmid Haham (a wise scholar), who is like a king. As (Guitin 62a) is written: “Where do we learn that the Sages are called kings? He replied: Because it is written: They must behave assure with correction and good qualities such as c orresponds to the sons of kings. ”
From the tribe of Isasjar who bear the yoke of the Torah, we must learn the importance of effort and dedication to the Torah.
From the tribe of Zevulun who helped support those who studied Torah, we must learn how much we must do to support Torah scholars and give our money to maintain Torah and chesed institutions
In the same way we must learn from each tribe its unique quality, to become crowned with the elevated qualities of all of them.
That is why the Torah was also extended in the account of the offerings of each leader, because each tribe was singular and unique.
The fundamental thing was that all act out of love for Heaven, to give satisfaction to the Creator and serve him with all their heart.
We must learn the good qualities of all tribes!
The level reached by the tribes is only possible when you have aspirations and the will to grow in holiness and purity.
This was what stood out to Caleb ben Iefuné, who had a "spirit-
different rite": Since his will was to get closer to the Creator, he tried to learn from the higher qualities of others.
We must know that we will never achieve our objectives if we do not aspire to achieve it, the greater the aspiration, the greater the desire to act to reach that goal, and in this way the chances of achieving it are increased. This is the only way you can grow and rise in Torah and fear Heaven:
"Have true aspirations and desires to grow in Torah, yearning to increase a little more in holiness at every moment. Because according to the aspiration It is the force that drives the person to grow spiritually.
Dedicated for the healing of all the sick of Am Israel and the whole world, who have a prompt and complete healing, also dedicated for the success of all those in need and of all those who are dedicated to spreading the message of Emuna .
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