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"Todo tiene su pago" Shemot - Éxodo 6 :2 - 9 :35 ¡El faraón solo comprimió el resorte!En la plaga del granizo, el faraón dijo: “Pequé en esta ocasión; Hashem es el justo, y yo y mi pueblo, malvados” (Shemot 9:27). Luego, dice el versículo: “Y volvió a pecar y endureció su corazón”¿Cómo puede ser? ¡Si el faraón acababa de decir que entendió que Hashem es el justo!Más bien, explica Rabí Eliahu Dessler:Una persona que aparta su Inclinación al Mal pero no la anula, a pesar de que hace tan solo un momento la pudo vencer, no hizo nada más que 'comprimir...

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(Bereshit - Genesis 37: 1 - 40: 2 The Parasha begins by mentioning that "Yaakob lived in the Land where his parents lived, in the Land of Canaan", then it mentions his generations, but above all it mentions Yosef, saying: "These are the generations of Yaakov: Yosef being seventeen years old, he was pasturing the cattle with his brothers, and he was as a boy, with the children of Bila, and with the sons of Zilpah, their father's wives, and Yosef brought news of their misconduct to their father "(Bereshit-Genesis 37,2) Immediately afterwards the Torah tells us that Yosef was...

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Parasha Vaishlach (Bereshit-Genesis 32: 4 - 36:43) The little ones are those sparks that keep our people enlightening! “For this reason, the Children of Israel should not eat from the tendon displaced (sciatic nerve) which is in the thigh socket until today, because (the angel) had struck the thigh socket of Iaacob in the displaced tendon ”(32:33) Esau's envoy (Malach) had struck Jacob on the thigh. Our sages (the Zohar) explained that the feet of the Tzadik (the great Just) are represented in those who support the Tzadik, that is, his students, who care and reinforce their teachers who teach...

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Vayetzé (And it came out ...) Yaacov, father of the Twelve Tribes, leaves Israel departing from the city of Beer Sheva on his way to Aram (Haran) to escape from his brother Esav according to the advice of his mother, and to seek a wife according to the instructions of his father Yitzchak . The town of Beer Sheva represented peace and security, prayer and study of the Torah, however Yaacov had to leave it to face the world of temptations (Olam: whose root is helem, concealment -where Gd is hidden -) overcome them and then be the father of...

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"And the Creator said to Abraham: Go from your land and the place of your birth and into your father's house, to the Land that I will show you" (Bereshit- Genesis 12,1) One of the messages of this important Parasha "Lech Lecha" (Bereshit-Genesis 1: 1-6 : 8) tells us that Abraham represents the soul of the person who wishes to serve the Creator. Such a person must leave behind "his land", (his materialism) His "birthplace" (his sensual pleasures and depression) and even the house of "his father" (family who tries to retain her in his service to the Creator. In...

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