Parasha Tazira - Metzora (Vayikra-Lev 12,1-15,33)

Parasha Tazira - Metzora (Vayikra-Lev 12,1-15,33)

"When a woman conceives ..." (12: 2)

If Man is worthy, if he makes his soul the essence of his being, then he precedes all creation. Because it was the spirit of Man that floated above the depths even before the creation of light. But if he is not worthy, if he boasts of his physical dimension, then of terms of physical precedence of Creation, even the mosquito comes before him ...

For this reason, the Torah treats the laws of purity of Man after the laws of purity of animals: just as the physical creation of Man comes after that of animals, its laws are explained after the laws of the animals. This applies only when man behaves like a mere sophisticated animal. But if man leaves aside the physical side of him, giving preponderance to the soul; if he fulfills the purpose of Creation, acknowledging and serving his Creator, then he precedes all Creation.

(Based on the Midrash and Rashi)

"And on the eighth day, the flesh of the foreskin will be encircled" (12: 3)

The greatness of Shabbat is seen in the fact that the boy does not receive the Brit Milah (the covenant of circumcision) until he is eight days old, that is, until he lived a Shabbat. In other words, the reason why Brit Milah is performed on the eighth day after birth is so that the child can experience all the sanctity of Shabbat before Brit Milah. Only in this way will he be able to reach a level such that he will be able to enter the sanctity of the Jewish people through the Brit Milah.

( Yalkut Yehuda)

" And on the eighth day, the flesh of the foreskin will be circumcised" (12: 3)

In the Brit (in the covenant of circumcision) it is customary to say to parents "That just as it was brought to the Covenant (Brit), it may also be brought to the Torah, marriage and good deeds." Just as it was brought to the Brit, which is now an inseparable part of it, it is our wish that all the other mitzvot of the Torah also be an inseparable part of it.

(Iturei Torah)

Parashat Metzora

"This is the law of Metzora" (14: 2)

Metzorá (popularly translated as leper) but it is also composed of two words in Hebrew: "motzí" take out (shem) "ra" mal (name). "Speak badly of someone".

Once upon a time there was a peddler who went from town to town, announcing: "Who wants to buy the exile of life! Who wants to buy the elixir of life!" Rabbi Yanai heard him and wanted to buy some of the brew from him. "You don't need any brew, neither you nor anyone like you," replied the salesman. But Rabbi Yanai insisted. At last, the peddler took out a Sefer Tehillim (Book of Psalms) and read it to Rabbi Yanai. "'Who wants life ...' what is the next verse?" asked the man. Rabbi Yanai replied: "'Watch your tongue from evil ...' I read this verse all my life and didn't know its meaning until this peddler taught it to me!"

"And it will be brought to the Kohen" (14: 3)

When a person speaks lashon hara (bad language), he shows that he has no idea of ​​the power of speech. It shows that words are insignificant to him compared to actions. By speaking the bad tongue, he awakens an accuser in Heaven, not only against the objective of the lashon hara, but also against himself. An angel, equipped with a "stereo recorder" stands next to each one of us and records each of the words we pronounce. And to teach those who speak lashon do the power that even a single word has, the Torah commands that the transgressor be brought to the Kohen.But even when he goes to see the Kohen, with his whole body full of tzaraat (leprosy) for all to see, and until the Kohen utters the word "Unclean", he is still considered totally pure. In the same way, he cannot return to his old situation, even though the disease has been completely cured, until the Kohen utters the word "Pure". Thus, the transgressor learns the power that he has even a single word. Because with a single word, he segregates it, and with a single word, he redeems it.

Based on Ohel Yaakov

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