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The ignition of the Luminaires of Janucá
In Israel, as in many places around the world, we are already awaiting the arrival of Hanukkah to light our first candle. Thus remembering for eight days the Great miracle of the powerful liberation that the Blessed Creator granted to our ancestors at that time in these days!We would like to take this opportunity to answer the question that many people continue to ask us these days: -Can we Gentiles or non-Jews light the lights of a Hanukkah (candelabra)?-And they also ask us: Can they celebrate Hanukkah? We will answer with quotes from the well-known book "In the Garden of Universal...
Parasha Vaishlaj 5783
"Big changes are only achieved through something very small." In this Parasha we will talk about Yaacov's fight with the Angel, -Parasha Vaishlach, Bereshit-Genesis 32:4-36:43--The little ones are those sparks that keep our people illuminating- “Therefore the Children of Israel must not eat the sinew displaced (sciatic nerve) that is in the socket of the thigh up to today, because (the angel) had struck the lace of the thigh of Jacob in the displaced sinew” (32:33)Esav's messenger (Malach) had struck Jacob on the thigh. Our sages (the Zohar) explained that the feet of the Tzadik are represented by those who...
The big day "Hoshana Raba"
It is the last day in which we will comply with the precepts of the four species and to dwell in the Sukkah, this day is called Hoshana Rabá literally "The Great Hoshana" because in it more are recited Hoshana prayers than other days. This day is also known as the day on which "the Arava" is struck (the willow branches, a custom dating from the time of the Prophets) On this day, the The people of Israel do not rely on their righteousness, nor on the merits they have obtained in the course of the year, nor on the...
The Precept of the Four Species
The four species are: The Lulav, the Etrog, the Hadasim, and the Aravot. The great Sages tell us that this Precept brings the revelation of knowledge and through this Mitzva of the four species we can come to understand, How the whole earth is full of His glory! (from HaShem Blessed) So we can perceive divinity everywhere! (Likutey Etzot de Rabi Natan) The Active Precept of: "Take Four Species at the Sukkot Feast" As it is written: "And you will take for yourselves on the first day: The fruit of a splendid tree, palm branches, leafy tree branches and willows...
"Yamim Hanoraim"
We have entered one of the most important periods for our people: The period of "Yamim Hanoraim" (The Fearsome Days) What does this period consist of? They are ten days of repentance also called Yamim Hanoraim "The fearsome days" The ten days that start from Rosh HaShana to Yom Kippur, these days are also known as "Aseret yamim Teshuvas" (The ten days of Teshuva) , Time where the verdict of Rosh Hashanah is registered, and the day it is sealed is on "Yom Kippur" Time where the person becomes aware of the importance of this and does not depart from...