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"Yom Yerushalayim" One day like today it was heard: "The Temple Mount is in our hands" During the Six-Day War, the people of Israel, with Divine help, were able to decisively defeat their enemies! The war raged on three fronts, and during the six days of fighting, our enemies collapsed and were utterly defeated. During those days, all the holy places of Judea and Samaria were liberated, and above all, Jerusalem, the site of the Holy Temple, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Goslan Heights. Anyone who watched the events with a spark of faith in their hearts clearly saw the...

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"Five days before the Redemption, the people of Israel celebrated Shabbat Hagadol." It is called "Shabat HaGadol" (The Great Sabbath) for several very important reasons. There are also various special customs related to this Shabbat. Israel celebrated its first Shabbat Hagadol in Egypt, on the tenth day of the month of Nisan, five days before its redemption. On that Shabbat, the children of Israel received their first Mitzvah (Precept) A Precept that governed only for that moment and not for future generations. "On the tenth day of this month (Nisan) each man shall take a lamb by his father's house,...

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If you still haven't found the solution to your problems, rejoice! There is a way to help you make things work out for the best. But first, it is good to remember what is written in the best manual of life "the Torah", (Deuteronomy 17) "According to what the wise men tell you at each time and place, that is what you shall do, and you shall not deviate either to the right or to the left." The Power of Prayer is the solution! "With prayer, one can achieve anything, every kind of good. One can achieve success in Torah...

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From what age can I guide my children on the path of Torah? Many ask themselves this question, let's see now what the wise say. Who can relate all the praises of the Torah? The occupation in her is better than working in the silver! As Rabbi Nehoray said: "I put aside all the professions in the world and I teach my children nothing but you Torah. (kiddushin 82 B) The Gemara , the Midrash, the Holy Zohar and other holy books full of brilliance, express the praises of the Torah and it is not required to bring proof for...

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The Maccabees began a revolt against the Greeks. In response, Antiochus sent thousands of foot soldiers, cavalry, and hundreds of armed elephants to crush the uprising. (Megillat Antiochus, Encyclopedia Britannica VI Maccabees) But they didn't beat us!! When all the odds are against you, when the road is difficult, when life's circumstances seem overwhelming, when there seems to be no way out, when you are ready to give up, to surrender, when you feel like it's useless to fight and when you feel like there is nothing you can do to change things, nothing you can do to fix them,...

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