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Pesach "skip" in memory of the special protection enjoyed by the people of Israel

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Milagros, Purim -

We have four Mitzvot (precepts) for Purim, established by the Sanhedrin (the great assembly) and the Prophets, these are: 1- Reading of the Megillah (Book of Esther) Everyone, both Jewish men and women, has an obligation to listen to the Megilla reading twice, at night and on Purim day. 2- Celebrate a festive banquet and Rejoice (Seudat Purim) We have the obligation to celebrate Purim during the day by means of a festive meal, with drink, wine (in moderation) in a atmosphere of rejoicing and praising the Creator for the great miracle. 3- Send as a gift edible portions (Mishloaj...

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Let's learn more about Taanit Esther (The Fast of Esther) It is customary in the People of Israel since the days of the Gueonites, to fast on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, in memory of the days that Esther fasted, prior to entering the palace of King Ahasuerus, trying to annul the decree of extermination that hung over the Jews (Book of Esther 4:16) and in memory of the fast that the People of Israel carried out on the thirteenth day of Adar of that year. The decree of the evil Haman prescribed that on the thirteenth...

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¿En realidad funciona la Plegaria?¿Como debemos hacer para que nos escuche el Creador?Estamos seguros de que alguna vez te has hecho estas y muchas preguntas más acerca de la plegaria u oración. Aquí hablaremos de este gran Regalo que el Creador Bendito nos a otorgado a cada uno de nosotros, y estamos seguros de que esto te ayudará a utilizar de manera efectiva este inmenso regalo Divino! Existe un gran error respecto a la interpretación que se le da a la plegaria u oración, la primera connotación de la palabra plegaria u oración tienden a relacionarla con el acto de...

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In Israel, as in many places in the world, we have begun to light the lights of our Janukiot. Remembering for these eight days the Great miracle of the powerful liberation that the Blessed Creator granted to our ancestors at that time these days! We want to take this opportunity to answer the question that many (non-Jewish) people are asking us these days: Can we Gentiles or non-Jews light the lights of a Hanukiah (chandelier)? And they also ask us: What if they (Gentiles) can celebrate Hanukkah? We will reply with quotes from the well-known book "In the Garden of...

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