"Yamim Hanoraim"

"Yamim Hanoraim"

We have entered one of the most important periods for our people:
The period of "Yamim Hanoraim"
(The Fearsome Days)

What does this period consist of?

They are ten days of repentance also called Yamim Hanoraim "The fearsome days"
The ten days that start from Rosh HaShana to Yom Kippur, these days are also known as "Aseret yamim Teshuvas" (The ten days of Teshuva) , Time where the verdict of Rosh Hashanah is registered, and the day it is sealed is on "Yom Kippur" Time where the person becomes aware of the importance of this and does not depart from the fear of Judgment and the duty of repentance.

Due to the great love that Hashem feels for His people, He seeks to be merciful and does not want us to perish, but rather to repent, in order to finally grant us good! That is why He hopes and longs for the repentance of all those who committed transgressions.

By His infinite mercy, He granted us days special in which He is as close as possible to us, so that our penance is accepted immediately.

As the verse expresses: (Isaiah 55: 6)

"Seek God while He can be found, call Him while He is near"

Our sages commented that this teaches us that there are times when it is possible to find God and times when it is not possible to find him, times when he is near and times when he is far away.

And when is it possible to find him and he is near?
"In the ten days of Teshuva, between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur" (Excerpts from Sefer hatoda, Chodesh Tishrei)

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