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Milagros, Purim -

We have four Mitzvot (precepts) for Purim, established by the Sanhedrin (the great assembly) and the Prophets, these are: 1- Reading of the Megillah (Book of Esther) Everyone, both Jewish men and women, has an obligation to listen to the Megilla reading twice, at night and on Purim day. 2- Celebrate a festive banquet and Rejoice (Seudat Purim) We have the obligation to celebrate Purim during the day by means of a festive meal, with drink, wine (in moderation) in a atmosphere of rejoicing and praising the Creator for the great miracle. 3- Send as a gift edible portions (Mishloaj...

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Januca, Januka, Janukia, Milagros -

Today we will receive this beautiful and great celebration, Hanukkah! "The festival of lights" We are now a few hours away for it to start and surely most of them already have everything prepared ... "Hanukkah, Oil, candles and even the Sufganiot" But it is also very important that we are spiritually and consciously prepared . So it will be good if we go back to history and see what happened in these days, at that time. Do you know why we celebrate with lights and especially by lighting the nine-branched chandelier? During the time of the second Beit Ha...

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