Parasha Vetjanan
"And I begged the Creator at that time saying O Eternal One! You have begun to show your greatness and Your strong hand, for what other God is there in heaven and on earth that can do Your works and may I have Your power? >
As we already mentioned, the name of this Parasha is "Veetjanan" which translates as "I beg"
In Hebrew VeetJaNaN comes from the root "JaNaN" and means "gracious" meaning an undeserved gift. And although the tzadikim (the great righteous) have many merits, they beg the Creator to grant them their requests as undeserved gifts.
We can understand that when we need to ask the Creator for something we must pray to receive it only
'' as an undeserved gift '' and not as payment in return for our actions.
Furthermore, we must not insist that the Creator answer our prayers, but rather accept "with gratitude" the response of the blessed Creator, whether he grants us the request or not.
We can learn in this Parasha, that despite everything that Moshe Rabenu (our great teacher Moses) pleaded with the Blessed Creator to allow him to enter the Land of Israel, Moshe did not succeed, However, he did not get angry or sad, otherwise, he continued to encourage and prepare his people to enter and possess the long-awaited Earth.
Let us raise our prayers to the Blessed Creator believing with all certainty that He listens to us and that our supplications are like unmerited gifts, and that the answer to our supplications will be the best for us whatever it is, because that is His will since the Creator always does the best. Therefore from now on! We must be happy and full of Gratitude.
Dedicated for the elevation of the soul of our beloved mother and grandmother: Bertha bat Simja (Feliza), and for the healing of all the sick of Am Israel and the world.
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