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Parasha Mishpatim
"Slaves continue in our generations (nothing is harder than when someone is acquired for money)"“And these are the laws that you shall set before them: if you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall work for six years; and in the seventh year he shall go out free, free of charge” (Shemot - Exodus 21:1) At the beginning of this Parasha, Rabbenu Abraham Baal haIbn Ezra explained why the Torah began the section of laws with the case of the servants, as it says: “There is nothing more difficult for a person than to be dominated by another like him.” That...
Parashá Yitro 5783
This Parashah brings to mind the impressive event of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai... For twenty-six generations, since the creation of Adam, the Creator had hoped to transmit to humanity the precious Torah that had preceded the creation of the universe. Finally, He found a people willing to accept it. The grand moment of its revelation was eagerly awaited by the entire universe, since it would thereby accomplish the spiritual purpose of Creation. It was Shabbat morning, the sixth day of the month of Sivan, 2448. Har Sinai was trembling with excitement at the momentous event about...
Parashara 5784
"Sodomy and Judaism, two opposite poles" Abraham Abinu, our Patriarch, the father of Judaism, was a hospitable man, since his happiness increased when he could receive guests and each time he did so, it seemed as if it were the first time. Regardless of the weather conditions, even in the face of unbearable heat, they would rush to welcome their guests. Not only he, but his family and employees were active participants in fulfilling this great precept. Hospitality, envelops, within itself the secret and the basis of The Jewish faith. Abraham is the father of Judaism and the driving force...
Parasha Koraj 5783 "The dispute"
"Korach" (Bamidvar-Numbers 16-18) One of the teachings that this Parasha gives us is about the seriousness of the dispute. "Because Adam caused harm by eating from the Tree, he brought corruption and conflict to his seed. Immediately after sinning, Cain and Abel began to argue with each other. Their argument was a precursor to all the disputes and conflicts to come, especially those against the Tzadikim (great righteous ones). Thus, their conflict engendered Korach's conflict. (Likutey Halachot) Korach separated from Aaron the Cohen because he felt he could support himself and did not attach importance to the evil inclination. In...
Parasha Behaloteja 5783
The beauty of the Menorah "And so the Menorah was made, beaten, engraved in gold" (Numbers 8:4) (Parashat Behaloteja Bamidbar-Numbers 8,1 - 12,16)The great commentator Rashi, in Perasha Terumah wrote (25:32):Moshe Rabbenu had a hard time making the Menorah, so Hashem instructed him to throw a piece of gold into the fire and it would make itself. A question arises here. It is known that in Washington there is a museum that has statues of all the presidents who governed the United States. These pieces are also made from a single piece of metal. How is it that Moshe had...