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Parasha Ajarei Mot - Kedoshim Vayikra - Leviticus (16,1- 20, 27) "Speak to the entire congregation of the children of Israel and tell them: They shall be sacred, because I, Hashem, your God, am Sacred" (Vaikrá 19: 2). There are two kinds of holiness, holiness that implies a departure from what is allowed by the Torah, "Sanctify yourself with what is allowed", as wrote the Rambán; and there is also the holiness that implies a departure from what is prohibited by the Torah, and that is also called holiness, as Rashi explained about the phrase of the verse "Sacred shall...

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The present Shabbat is known as "Shabbat Shira" (The Shabbat of singing) since we read the Parasha Beshalach from the book of Shemot (Exodus 13.17 - 17.16) where great and wonderful events are related to us, such as the partition of the sea, the fall of Mana from the sky, among others. "The Mán (Mana) and the Teshuvá" When the Mán (Mana) fell from the sky, several miracles occurred, such as wrote the great sages (Mejilta Beshalaj 16): “For the righteous, Mán fell on the doors of their houses and even directly on their mouths, on the other hand, for...

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“Israel viajó con todo lo que tenía; llegó a Beer Sheva y elevó ofrendas al D-ios de Yitzjak, su padre” (Bereshit 46:1) Rashí explica sobre la frase “al D-ios de Yitzjak, su padre” que la persona debe honrar a su padre más que a su abuelo, por lo tanto, se mencionó a Yitzjak y no a Abraham.Cuando a Yaakov Avinu le notificaron que Yosef estaba vivo en Egipto, tuvo una alegría inmensurable. Principalmente por el hecho de que Yosef se había gobernado a sí mismo y no olvidó la Toráh que había estudiado.Yaakov no se alegró por el poder político...

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Hashem constantly sends us messages, through his Hashgajá pratit , his ‘Divine providence’. Now what do we need to understand his messages clearly from him? The saga of Iosef and his brothers gives us a crucial understanding to decipher the messages that the Creator sends us. After Joseph's brothers accused him of being a megalomaniac, with extravagant dreams where he ruled over them, they sold him as a slave. Joseph was separated from his beloved father for 22 years and eventually became viceroy of Egypt. There was a famine in the land that forced the brothers to go down to...

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Have you ever thought about what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are? This can happen in each of us, because we have a certain characteristic that distinguishes us from others, each one is a different entity and where we have to be strong is in our characteristics and take pride in who we are, but we must also accept our weaknesses, but that does not mean that we cannot, but rather we have to locate our talent and through this Parasha "Toldot" we will find this answer! Toldot tells us about the sons of Isaac: Ezab and Jacob,...

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