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"if you need a miracle, then this is here for you" For generations it has been known and proven that the Tehillim (Psalms) have the power to bring great salvation, healing and many more miracles to our lives. King David also called the Psalms "Mizmorim" (a word in Hebrew whose root also has the connotation of cutting or pruning) because they 'the Psalms' have the power to cut, clear and remove all spiritual obstacles that our Prayers meet on their way to the ascent to Heaven, (obstacles prevent our prayers from reaching). "Tehillim, healing body and soul" Each Psalm, as...

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Powerful prayer to bring healing and protection. (Since ancient times there have been great promises for those who recite the Pitum ​​ha Ketoret) Prayer: "May Your will be our Gd and Gd of our ancestors, so that You fill all the inhabitants of the world and the inhabitants of this earth with mercy, and protect them from all the harsh and evil decrees that may visit the world and rescue us from all diseases, illnesses, plagues and epidemics. May all patients infected with the disease be completely cured. For you, Gd, there is Greatness and Rigor, Splendor and Eternity and...

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These are days of self-analysis, days of prayers, days of rectifying our lives, days of asking the Creator for mercy! "The whole world is going through a very difficult test" These were the words of Rabbi Shlomo Amar (El Rishon LeTzion) Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, who has summoned all the Jewish people of the world for Sunday, March 15, to carry out the "Yom ha Tefila olamit" (Day prayer world) that will be a special Tikun in which the mercy of the Creator will be asked to save Israel and the entire world from this tremendous virus. Shavua tov...

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Do you need to improve your livelihood, are you going through difficult times? If you are willing to recite this powerful prayer from the heart (with all concentration) every day, then get ready to receive miracles! * The Prayer must be said with all respect, concentration and above all with a lot of Emunah (the pure and authentic Faith in the Creator): May Your will, Eternal, our God and God of our fathers, that my food and my sustenance and the food and sustenance of my whole family, as well as the food and sustenance of all Your people Israel,...

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The Creator is One and Only! "The whole purpose of the creation of humanity is to know the Creator" (Zohar 242b) This knowledge is the consequence of the experience of self-annulment in the Infinite Light and the subsequent return to worldly consciousness. The residue of Divine Light allows the mind to understand that the Creator it is both transcendent and immanent, that "Hashem is Elokim" that everything is One and that everything is good. That is the root of all the Torah. The main purpose of the Torah and its Precepts is to sanctify the material so that it too...

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