The supernatural power of the Psalms

The supernatural power of the Psalms

"if you need a miracle, then this is here for you"
For generations it has been known and proven that the Tehillim (Psalms) have the power to bring great salvation, healing and many more miracles to our lives.
King David also called the Psalms "Mizmorim" (a word in Hebrew whose root also has the connotation of cutting or pruning) because they 'the Psalms' have the power to cut, clear and remove all spiritual obstacles that our Prayers meet on their way to the ascent to Heaven, (obstacles prevent our prayers from reaching).
"Tehillim, healing body and soul"
Each Psalm, as well as each one of its words, has a great power of connection with our soul that rectifies what we need so much and especially, they have the power to awaken us from that spiritual lethargy.
For example, Tehillim (Psalm) 40 David Hamelech compares the sufferings and diseases that he suffered, with a deep and dark well, full of mud, where the person who falls into it is afraid, even of dying. (but there was also water in that well, the water has always symbolized the Torah, so we can concentrate on that pure water and not get stuck in the dark and in the mud) When we read and recite this psalm with concentration and with Emuna we will feel a great relief and above all love and hope.
It will awaken us to a Teshuva and therefore a salvation where we will see miracles !!
"The Psalms are a very special gift from the Creator"
All the sages of our people wrote that the reading of the Psalms contains very great segulot, they help us to receive benevolence and mercy in abundance, they help us to bring salvation to any personal or people's suffering as a whole, and there was even several sages who advised to read the entire book without interruption due to the great strength and special power that it has.
They also wrote that the person who reads the Psalms with a contrite heart, the Creator forgives all his sins and lengthens his days of life.
The Garden of Breslev.