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"Leja Dodi, likrat calá, Penei Shabat nekabelá ..." "Come, my Beloved, to meet the bride; the presence of Shabbat we will welcome ..." "Leja Dodi" is the beautiful hymn that we sing at the arrival of each Shabbat. Today we will look at four reasons why Shabbat is compared to a bride and a queen ... This beautiful hymn to the 16th century Shabbat "Lecha dodí" ("Come, my beloved ..."), we welcome the Shabbat like a bride and like a queen. This concept goes back to the Talmud, where we read that Rabbi Chanina used to wear her special garments...

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Many people run from dawn until late at night to seek their livelihood, others do it to achieve even more. The culture of this world involves us teaching us from the first years of our life that we must "have to be", and "invest" making us believe that "you are what you have", so if you have nothing "you are not nobody " Unfortunately, this is the way of thinking of much of humanity. Coming to the sad reality that the person is frustrated by not seeing economic success in his life, even also those people who managed to have...

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If men are far from the Creator, it is because of their pessimism ... Well, they do not know that the Eternal loves his creatures and He wants his good and the tests to bring them closer and closer to his Divinity. As for the person, the least misfortune happens to him, he falls into anguish and despair ... Unfortunately they do not know that these feelings are the worst sins that human beings can commit, because in truth these are great offenses to the Mercy of the Blessed Creator. The word in Hebrew "Yehudí" "Jew" means "to thank or...

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"You must be happy with your spouse, and not be ungrateful to the Eternal Blessed Be He" The nature of the person is that just as they behave with her, in such a way, so she conducts herself with others. Even more so, a woman, the face that you show her, she will show you herself, if you appreciate her and respect her, she will help you in all your affairs. Show your spouse a happy face, even though you are going through difficult times and problems, do not vent your anger and annoyance on your partner. On the contrary,...

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There is an effective solution to every problem, it is the wonderful and oldest of the techniques used by our Patriarchs and the greatest Righteous of all times: It is the powerful practice of the Hitbodedut "Prayer in isolation" it has several advantages: The first advantage of the Hitbodedut is to allow man to feel the Divine Presence in his life, here in this world, and whatever its condition. The second advantage is that once we are aware of this "Presence", we can turn to His Mercy, to understand the messages and be able to take advantage of it. Through...

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