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How good and how pleasant are the good and upright qualities! He who behaves with them is loved in Heaven and pleasing on earth May there be grace in the eyes of Hashem and the people. What is stated is also true: The punishment for bad qualities is very severe and whoever behaves with them is hated and estranged, bad before Heaven and bad for people. This is expressed in the words of our Sages of Blessed Memory, in the Talmud, in the Midrash, in the Zohar and in the books of Musar. Anyone who meditates on these will know...

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The Creator grieves with our hopelessness and sadness, but not with our failures or falls. This world was made in such a way that the fall was easy, temptations and distraction abound around us, and within us there is a "madman" The yetzer hara (the evil instinct) that is always ready to assault at any moment, therefore it is not surprising that we fall one and again. "But the Blessed Creator! He does not scrupulously observe his creatures with anger" (Aboda Zara 3A) When the Sages say that "the Teshuva is something great and preceded the creation of the world"...

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"I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me" (Song of Songs) What is the relationship between this beautiful verse and the present month of Elul, and what is special about it? "Ani le Dodi ve Dodi Li" It is part of a verse from King Solomon, "The Song of Songs" that was written thousands of years ago. In Jewish tradition, the Song of Songs is not about love between two people, but about one's love for the Blessed Creator. This verse has a great meaning according to the great Sages of the scriptures, because in this month...

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This month is considered the last of the year and immediately precedes Rosh Hashana (the head of the year) "The day of judgment for all the inhabitants of the world" It is set as the time destined for repentance. So much so that this month we recite "the Slijot" (special prayers requesting God's forgiveness) and prayers of penance. From ancient times these were days of reconciliation between the Creator and Israel. When the Jewish people committed the sin of the Golden Calf and the Tablets of the Law were broken, Moshe again ascended Mount Sinai and begged for mercy and...

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