Ani le Dodi sees Dodi Li

Ani le Dodi sees Dodi Li

"I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me" (Song of Songs)

What is the relationship between this beautiful verse and the present month of Elul, and what is special about it?

"Ani le Dodi ve Dodi Li" It is part of a verse from King Solomon, "The Song of Songs" that was written thousands of years ago.
In Jewish tradition, the Song of Songs is not about love between two people, but about one's love for the Blessed Creator.
This verse has a great meaning according to the great Sages of the scriptures, because in this month of Elul we identify ourselves with this verse, since if we take the initials of these four words in Hebrew they form the word "ELUL" and the value The numerical number of the final letters add up to 40, meaning that for forty days (of the month of Elul and the ten days of Teshuva (repentance) that we have until reaching the day of Yom Kippur) repentance is more easily received based on the fact that they are days of mercy "His great unconditional love"
Literally translated it is a declaration of love and a commitment of total devotion, while ensuring that the devotion is reflected in the loved one.
During the month of Elul, and especially during the ten days that separate ‘Rosh Ha’Shana’ and ‘Yom Kippur’, the pious pray that the Creator will forgive their sins committed against them. It all culminates on the day of Yom Kippur where we Jews fast 25 hours and start a new year with strength and new resolutions.
The verse "I am beloved for me and my beloved is for me", comes to underline the commitment that one has to what one loves the most, the commitment to give everything! Without expecting reciprocity, without demands, without rights, just give and give thanks for so much love!
Thanks to Hashem for all that you give us!
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