Look for the good points you have!
How good and how pleasant are the good and upright qualities!
He who behaves with them is loved in Heaven and pleasing on earth May there be grace in the eyes of Hashem and the people.
What is stated is also true: The punishment for bad qualities is very severe and whoever behaves with them is hated and estranged, bad before Heaven and bad for people.
This is expressed in the words of our Sages of Blessed Memory, in the Talmud, in the Midrash, in the Zohar and in the books of Musar. Anyone who meditates on these will know what the fear of sin is.
And it is true there is a difference of two characters, there is one who was graced by the Eternal from the womb of his mother with a good nature and good qualities, with correct ideas, but there is also the position, (may the Eternal free us ) He who was graced with understanding for doing and it is easy for him to behave with good and upright qualities and you recognize how bad it is to have a bad character, should thank him for his portion and say:
"I was belittled for all the favors received " , For this favor is greater than life itself and the world to come.
But what can he who has bad qualities and deviates from the intelligent path do, thinking that bad is good and good is bad, his path being right in his own eyes?
This is an incurable disease, as King Solomon said:
"Did you see a man who is wise in his eyes? The fool has more hope than he" (Mishle 26-12 )
This should do the following and perhaps be saved:
Pouring his soul in prayers and prayers before the Creator of the Universe, day by day, at night, mornings and afternoons, inside of Amidah (the prayer we make directed towards the Creator three times a day), asking him for good advice to be upright in his character and in his thinking, with perfection in everything and to do only what is good and right in the eyes of Hashem and of the people.
He must also be assiduous and study only books that lead to perfection.
" Let him cling to the dust of the Chachamim" (Sages) and learn from his deeds and not depart from his words, and even if it seems to him that they say that the left is the right hand, which does not rely on its understanding and is annulled at its will and desire before the will of others.
You must bend with vigor and energy to act against your nature or against your will and so the habit will become like your own nature and Hashem will open your eyes to see and understand which is the right path and Then you can do Teshuvah and be cured.
(Rabbi Eliezer Papu)
Yes it is possible to change! You just have to want, with the same forces with which you have sought what you like so much, if you do it for the good, Hashem will multiply your forces and will provide you with the necessary help.
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