Parasha Shemini
Vayikra - Leviticus 9: 1 - 11:47
Let's learn from the verse:
“And it was, on the eighth day, that Moshe called Aharon and his sons and the elders of Israel” (Vaikrá 9: 1).
The essence of the word elder-s (old, elder) is actually an acrostic of the Hebrew phrase "ze kanah hochma" that is to say "this person has acquired wisdom".
And just as it is said about Abraham Avinu (Our Father Abraham): "And Abraham was old", and also about Yitzchak Avinu: “And it was when Yitzjak was old”, and our Sages of blessed memory explained to us that “even when he was old he would sit on the Yeshiva ( the school of Torah studies) ”. And said R.
Jamá bar Rabbi Chanina: “All the days of our Sages their Yeshiva did not move.
While in Egypt they had Yeshiva, as it is said: 'Go and gather
to the elders of Israel ’ . And when they were in the desert they had Yeshiva, because it is said: ‘Gather me seventy men from the elders of Israel’ ”(Treaty
from Yomá 28b).
Our Sages of blessed memory said in the Midrash Rabba (11a 8): “ R. Akiva said: 'Israel was compared to a bird: thus As the bird does not fly if it does not have wings, so Israel cannot can do nothing without their elders' ”.
And it was not in vain that the
Sages of Israel: "Whoever takes advice from the elders does not stumble."
It happened once that there was a livelihood who convinced young grooms and brides to deposit their wedding money with him in order to invest it and have a lot of profit.
However, at the end of the day, said raider ruined their lives when it was revealed that it was a scam and that of all that they had deposited with him, they would not return a penny.
However, there was an exception. A young man, a student of the Yeshiva Porat Yosef, whom said vividor had also approached to convince him to deposit his money with him, sought advice from his Master, the Gaon Rabbi Yehudah Tzadka, ztz ”l, who told him:
"My heart tells me it doesn't suit you."
The young man did as he advised and was saved from being harmed by the raider and incurring losses.
Everyone who heard the story was surprised; What had R. Tzadka seen to advise
young man who refrains from making such an investment that promised so many returns?
When asked about it, R. Tzadka replied with the simplicity that characterized him:
"Those profits that the rascal claimed did not seem real to me."
Our Sages have taught us that great things are used to hide behind simplicity, we can see it here, both the greatness of Rabbi Tzadka, and also in the simple advice that he had the power to save this young man from losing your money, possibly an inheritance fortune.
Sometimes we expect that solution or that direction in a complicated and secret teaching, but the truth is that it can be just in that simple and little advice, which on many occasions will come from our parents or grandparents, those whom many times we forgot.
Our generation is full of comforts, innovation, technology, new discoveries that are transmitted to us daily, in minutes or perhaps seconds, but something that we are losing and that is no longer transmitted, is that true wealth of wise principles and moral ethics, that only the greatest "zaken-zkenim" (Those who acquired wisdom) can give us or rather they could give us
Let's take care of that valuable generation of gold that is about to be extinguished and that will not return.
The Garden of Breslev
Dedicated for the healing of all the sick of Am Israel and the whole world, especially for all the elderly, also for the elevation of the soul of my mother Bertha Bat Simja (happy).