Paving the way for miracles
Today we will receive this beautiful and great celebration, Hanukkah! "The festival of lights"
We are now a few hours away for it to start and surely most of them already have everything prepared ... "Hanukkah, Oil, candles and even the Sufganiot" But it is also very important that we are spiritually and consciously prepared . So it will be good if we go back to history and see what happened in these days, at that time.
Do you know why we celebrate with lights and especially by lighting the nine-branched chandelier?
During the time of the second Beit Ha Mikdash (Second Great Temple) The Greek emperors dictated brutal measures on the people of Israel, with the clear purpose of separating them from their Torah, forbidding the study of it and the They practiced their precepts, the pressure was terrible, they stripped them of their goods, raped their daughters, penetrated the main temple, desecrating and staining their sanctity.
The situation for Israel was very serious ... "Then the Eternal took pity on them, and saved them from the cruel hands of the Greeks"
The children of the Hashmonaim, (family of High Priests) They were regularly devout and peaceful men, they became, by the Creator's work and grace, brave heroes and defeated the most powerful Greeks, they appointed a king among the Kohanim and thus reestablished the government in Israel.
Remaining like this the Great Temple after this episode more than 200 years in the heart of Jerusalem and the people of Israel.
The day they defeated and destroyed the Greeks was exactly the 25th of the month of Kislev ( present Hebrew month) this day they entered the Beit Ha Mikdash (The Great Temple) and did not find pure oil to light the candelabrum.
They only found a small bottle of oil closed and sealed with the seal of the Cohen HaGadol (High Priest) enough to light the Menorah for just one day.
But it was Hashem Who n produced the miracle !! and the oil was enough to light the Menorah for 8 days, until they made a new special oil! of the fruit of the olive tree.
The great Miracle that happened at that time, was deeply engraved in the spirit of the Jewish people.
The greatest miracle was not only that the Menorah of the Temple remained lit by these 8 days, but the greatest thing, was that the light of the Torah and Judaism was rekindled in the hearts of each of the Jews, thus being able to live again a life of Judaism with all freedom, according to the will of our Di 'you.
For this reason, the Sages of that generation decreed that these 8 days beginning on the 25th of Kislev, be designated as days of rejoicing and praise!
Every night of those 8 days oil lights or candles are lit to remember and underline the miracle.
These days are called Hanukkah, which means "inauguration" because of the inauguration of the Beit Hamikdash and that on the 25th of this month they rested from their enemies
("JANU" means: "we rest", and "KA" equals 25 in Hebrew)
So it was prohibited during these days all manifestation of pain and fasting, becoming Joy and total Rejoicing !!
Thank you Hashem for the miracle you did to our ancestors !! We will always continue to live and fulfill our Holy Torah!
* Hanukkah as we mentioned it is the 25th of the month of Kislev, and this year will begin today Thursday, December 10 at dusk, we will turn on the first light of our Janukia.
We wish you that this Hanukkah your lives are illuminated and filled with the Light of truth!
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