"Shabbat Bereshit"
This is a very special Shabbat, because Hashem gives us the opportunity to start studying our blessed Torah from the beginning.
The first Shabbat, after the Sukkot festival, is called "Shabbat Bereshit", because in it we read the "Parashat Bereshit" (Genesis), and we begin the first section of the Torah (the Book of Genesis)
"In the beginning Hashem created the heavens and the Earth ..." (Beresheet 1: 1) The Torah explains that Hashem, from the beginning clarified that He is the Creator of everything what's on Earth.
One of the greatest Rabbis in history "The Rambam (Maimonides) comments how at first, men were aware that Hashem created the heavens, the stars, the moon, the sun and everything in them, to guide the world.
Then they believed that it would be good to worship them as if they were gods, in the same way that all the stars served the Creator.
This is how men began to worship the stars and planets and little by little they forgot the "Creator of the Universe."
This is how all kinds of idolatries began to emerge, with idols made of wood, clay, etc. Until our father Abraham appeared, the first monotheist who came out against the idolatrous culture of the whole world.
(Extracts Sweeter than Honey)
As we can see, this is a very important Shabbat where we reflect on "The Creator and his creation", and that He is the Sustainer of the world!
Shabbat Shalom! He wishes you:
The Garden of Breslev 🔥
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