Parasha Ekev

Parasha Ekev

"And it will be that if you listen to these laws and keep them and comply with them, the Creator your God will keep the covenant and the mercy that I swear to your parents" (Debarim-Deut 7,12 )

And it will be that if they listen to these laws ... the Creator your God will keep you ... ( Tishmeun means "Listen" in Spanish) is written in the plural, referring to many listeners. The object of desire of 'Vesheamar Adonai Elojeja leja' (The Lord your God will keep you) is in the singular, referring to a single receiver. The main way to reach Divinity is through the "many", since all and all things are unified. Once they are united, then we can take our individual blessings.

And it is also written: "And it will be that if they listen to the Lord, your God will keep the covenant and mercy for you"

"Ekev" literally means "heel" Moses was saying: 'If you pay attention to the Creator and his Torah, to the point of extending the Divinity to your very feet "heels "Then the Creator will extend more mercy to you.

The "feet" (heel) also refer to wealth, as it is a base on which the person stands. Therefore Moses also implied: 'If your perception of Divinity extends to the way you use his wealth, then the Creator will bring much goodness and blessing down upon you.

"And it will be that if they listen" (Ekev) As we already mentioned, it literally means "Heel".

... If they listen to these laws even when they are sunk under the heel of their enemy and recognize that suffering comes from Above, then the Blessed Creator will listen to it and remember the covenant He made with his ancestors.

"And it will be that if they listen to these laws"

The Tzadikim (the great Righteous) are also called "feet" because they walk from one place to another to clarify the Torah and teach people the service of the Creator. When the Creator issues a decree of judgment in the world, he he counsels with the tzadikim and reveals his judgments that have been detected against the generation. Then the great righteous go and admonish the generation to improve its ways and mitigate judgment.

"And it will be that if they listen to these laws and keep them and comply with them"

Dancing and clapping mitigates harsh judgments, but when judgments are decreed against the world, it is very difficult to dance. The judgments, which correspond to the feet, cause them to get heavy and slow.

To mitigate these judgments and regain a state of joy, it is necessary to judge yourself and evaluate yourself. This can be achieved through the Hitbodedut (prayer in isolation) the person examines himself and corrects each of his actions and his relationships with others. In this way the heavenly judgments are mitigated, "for when there is judgment below, there is no judgment above".

(Based on the teachings of Rabenu Najman de Breslev)

Dedicated for the health of all the sick of Am Israel and the world, also for the success and blessing of all those who spread the message of Emuna in the Creator.

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