There is no one but Hashem

There is no one but Hashem

This means that there is no other power in the world capable of opposing the Creator.
And the reason why man sees that in the world there are things and powers that deny "His Absolute Power", is because the Creator so wishes, and this is a form of correction that the wise call it "the left hand rejects, and the right approaches"
That is, what the left rejects is considered a correction.
This means that in the world from the beginning they have aimed to "divert man from the right path", and because of this Kdusha (Holiness) is rejected.
The benefit of these rejections is that, through them, the person receives "a need and a complete desire for the Creator to help him", since he sees that otherwise he would be lost.
The person not only does not progress in his work, but regresses, that is, he lacks the strength for the study and observance of the Torah and the mitzvot (precepts).
Well, only by genuinely overcoming obstacles above reason, can the Torah and Mitzvot be observed, (this means that we must put Emunah (Faith) before reason)
It is proven that in the end there is nothing and no one who can help us, but only the Creator himself. This leads us to make a sincere request from the heart to the Creator to open our eyes and hearts and certainly bring us closer to the "Eternal Adhesion with Hashem" From this it is deduced that all the rejections we experience came from the Creator. "And that everything, in the end is for the better"
(From the teachings of B.HaSulam)
The objective is to recognize that the rejection, failure or suffering that we are experiencing is the will of the Creator and that it is for our good, if we receive it with love and joy then we will pass the test and ascend to a new level!
The Garden of Breslev.