The Tzedaka "Charity" a great blessing for those who practice it

The Tzedaka "Charity" a great blessing for those who practice it

Thanks to the Creator for each one of those who make this possible!
We want to thank you on behalf of the families that receive the aid.
This month of Nisan began with many difficulties caused by the virus, unfortunately in Israel we have been very affected, as in other countries of the world, therefore we know how difficult it is for you to contribute with help at this time That is why we know that the merit is much greater.
Thank you for your effort to help our brothers most in need have a happy Passover!
We leave you here twenty promises written by the great sages, (for those who practice or comply with this beautiful precept "The Tzedaka or Charity"):
  • Giving charity to Torah scholars protects against wasting time and gossip, it also saves from pride and related character flaws.
  • Giving quality protects against poverty and gives the merit of wealth.
  • Charity brings abundant peace.
  • When a person gives some money to a poor person who really deserves it, he produces a rectification for all his money.
  • Quality is the general rectification for all business activities, you should always keep in mind that your sole objective is to give charity with the money you earn.
  • Giving charity expands and uplifts the mind, which brings blessings and sustenance.
  • Acts of charity and love have the power to eliminate the ideologies of others and free us from the burden of worldly authorities allowing us to achieve a perception of the Divine.
  • Charity given for the Land of Israel is greater than charity for other causes.
  • When one gives charity to the Land of Israel it is included in the air of the Land of Israel, which is Holy Breath without stain of sin. Then harsh judgment, forgetfulness, and madness are removed from the world.
  • One must always be satisfied with the essentials to live, but even so it is necessary to dedicate a portion for charity this produces a great unification of the superior worlds allowing the descent of abundant blessings to our life.
  • Charity given to the Land of Israel can release distracting thoughts during prayer, thereby clarifying the mind and purifying thoughts.
  • Acts of charity bring blessings of love to the world.
  • Charity is a rectification for all the money of the person, in this way the money will remain with him and abundant sustenance will be sent to him.
  • He who gives quality to a truly humble righteous person is immediately blessed.
  • The merit of those who maintain the Torah and give money to Torah scholars is very great, this money allows them to dedicate themselves to the study of it and generate new decrees and open new horizons of the Torah. Those who give money for this have a part in the Torah that was born and revealed through their help. All that they gave to the Torah scholars and all that they were deprived of as a result, all of this will be returned to you through the new concepts of the Torah that came to light thanks to your help.
  • The revelations of the Torah bring to the world a flow of love that completes all deficiencies.
  • Those who maintain Torah scholars will be rewarded with the delights of the World to Come.
  • Every act of charity is very hard and difficult to begin with, but the effects of Charity are immeasurable.The body has many needs that are absorbent, including the most essential ones such as food, drink, clothing and shelter, all of these distract from religious devotion, but charity has the power to break all these obstacles because they open the channels of the blessing and love of the Creator Blessed Be He, to the point where one no longer needs to work in order to obtain what he needs in life, all his work will be done by others, which will give him the necessary time to dedicate himself to service from the Creator
  • Charity is a remedy for all kinds of wounds.
  • Charity saves from death.

(Likutei Etzot, Rabbi Najman)

The Garden of Breslev.