Is it the Creator who is looking for you?
"And it will happen that before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking I will listen" (Isaiah 65, 24)
Our Sages interpret it as follows:
That when a person feels the lack of it and prays for the Creator to help them, it is not because the person feels the lack of it, and that gives them a reason to pray.
Rather the reason is that this person is becoming favored by the Creator and the Blessed Creator wishes to bring him closer.
At that moment the Creator sends her the sensation of her own lack, and calls her to join Him, in other words it is the Creator who brings her closer, giving her a desire to go to the Creator, and speak to the Creator.
From that it follows that the Creator brought her closer, thereby giving her room to speak with the Creator, that is called "Before they call I will answer"
In other words, it was the Blessed Creator who brought her closer to Him before the thought appeared in his mind that she needed to pray to the Creator.
Thanks for every difficulty! Now you know that Hashem is looking for you and wants you to come closer to Him! The reason? Love!
A rectification that you need in your life and only Hashem can help you. Do not despise and do not get angry about that situation that you may be going through, now you know that there is a hidden good right there and that a large part of the solution will be through prayer. Receive everything with love and gratitude.
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