"El Shabbat" source of blessings.

"El Shabbat" source of blessings.

Are you looking forward to Shabbat?

Shabbat is like a very precious Gift that Hashem has given us. As it is written: "Shabbat is the source of all blessings"

The observance of Shabbat is the foundation of Emuna "genuine faith" and only by virtue of Shabbat are acts of charity and good deeds covered with brilliance and perfection, since Shabbat is the embodiment of Emuna herself .
Charity has the power to bring an abundance of blessings and Holy influence, but you are only manifesting due to Shabbat.
Shabbat leads the world to its ultimate perfection, but without Shabbat and the Emuna that comes with it, the world is lacking.

True wisdom and understanding of the Torah can only flourish through influence of Shabbat and pure Emuna.

To experience the essential Holiness of Shabbat, that is, pure Emuna, it is necessary to take care of the purity of the Holy Covenant (Shmirat HaBrit) as there is a deep connection between Shabbat and the Covenant.
< br> (Extracts from Likutey Etzot, Shabbat)

Get ready for this great gift that Hashem gave us, the day we recharge physically and spiritually!

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