The purpose of Pesach in our lives (part two)

The purpose of Pesach in our lives (part two)

"A personal Exodus"

(Second part)

On Pesach, Israel "Yashar He" Prevails over the ego, when the man decides to strengthen his "Israeli" aspect to defeat the Egyptian, he asks for help, as it is written in the Torah:
"And the children of Israel groaned because of the hard bondage, and they cried out, and their cry went up to Hashem" (Shemot-Exodus 2:23)
When the Israeli side turns towards the Divine Force "The Creator" and begs it to free it from the domain of Pharaoh "the ego" , thus arises in man the internal force called "Moshe", which will pull! "Moshe" (from the Hebrew word limshot, "pull") Israel from Egypt and will help them to take a leap in their consciousness " lipsoaj" , (Pesach)
Although Moshe grew up in Pharaoh's house and knows him, he knows that he needs "A Miracle", the help of the Almighty!
Moshe's constant requests make Pharaoh more and more opposed to the departure of the people of Israel from his domain, it makes their life more difficult and they receive a blow, it makes them work harder and receives another, trying thus to strengthen his domain until by means of the "ten plagues", which are ten necessary discernments, then these two forces are completely revealed.
Pharaoh must renounce control over Israel and recognize the Mighty as "the ruling Force" . And the people of Israel have to accept that his request for help has to be well analyzed and precise, or they will not be able to free themselves from the harsh bondage of his selfishness.
"Pesach, an opportunity for Redemption"
Redemption from selfishness requires meticulous preparation, as it is a transformative change.
The great Sages of Israel do not wait for the month of Nisan to celebrate Pesach, but they teach us how to get rid of the ego every day!
That is to say: "Pesach is an internal state that the human being experiences"
However, the special date in which all the people of Israel celebrate it, is to remember THE MAIN GOAL OF MAN:
"Jump Above nature and reach the Direct Connection with the Blessed Creator"
The lights that affect the interior of the individual during Passover, help him to safely cross the Red Sea.
The last barrier to Pharaoh's dominion, "the Red Sea", allows him to decide who he wants, to enjoy the pleasure and abundance that the Upper Force has prepared for him in the Spirit World, or to be trapped under the rule of selfishness. .
We must make this decision not only on Pesach, but throughout the year! regardless of time and place.
May this Pesach not only remain in one more "celebration", but that we can make that leap "PESiJa" to our human character and fulfill our true role as Israel!
Filled with emuna, gratitude, joy, joy and abundant shalom !!
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