Fate is not a game
Each of us has a task and a goal in this world.
How can we know what the Creator wants from us if we do not ask Him?
The Creator has placed us on earth for a very precise reason.
The mission we must fulfill is unique; nobody can do it in our place. Apart from our general duties, there is a precise point that we must make that we ignore. To achieve His life is to fulfill His mission.
Let us ask the Creator to direct us towards our unique work, which is the whole meaning of our life.
Anyone who has tried to put into practice this advice of Rabbi Najmán will be able to testify regarding the small and great miracles that happened to him and how many times, after a sincere Hitbodedut (Prayer in isolation), the goodness of the Creator was manifested in an evident way.
This, as an Answer to the questions and requirements that he will make during his prayer or, even more, as a solution to the problems that he will raise-solutions that were presented in his life through one or other intermediary.
It is necessary to carefully collect all these testimonies and keep them well present in memory. On the one hand because they help to persevere and on the other because forgetting is an automatic tendency that erases the most beautiful memories and makes us ungrateful.
(Wisdom Excerpts from Rabbi Najman of Breslov)
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