Beware of the anger that can affect your economy
There is a relationship between Money, Anger and Chametz (leaven) that we are forbidden on Pesach.
When the people of Israel left Egypt and approached the Blessed Creator he was rewarded with great wealth.
This is because wealth has the same root as the soul on the plane of holiness.
However, there is a bad trait that can cause a person to lose all their wealth, and this trait is "anger." the wrath. JiMaH then anger creates a gap in his JoMaH, his protective wall, which is also his own wealth.
And this is due to the one from which anger descends and money is precisely the same aspect, and thus the same concept and there is nothing that separated it.
Both are extensions of the severities and come from the same place, how it is written: "gold emerges from the North" (Job 37, 22) and it is also written: "evil will come from the North" (Jeremiah 1, 14) The aspect of anger, as it is written: "Cancel the anger of your heart and eliminate the evil of your flesh"
(Ecleseastes 11,10)
So when the bad side sees that an influx of money is descending for a person, he arranges things so that something irritates the person and thus deprives him of the blessing.
On Pesach it is forbidden to eat in chametz (leavened) because the Chametz is the concept of anger, the Chametz rises just like arrogance and anger, they also expand. So we must avoid all kinds of exaggerations in our way of life.
Our way of living should be without arrogance and without expansions.
When the Red Sea opened, its waters, on the sides became like a wall (Jomah) for the people of Israel, after that, the people of Israel were able to restrain all anger (Jimah) and later they were allowed have chametz, that's why chametz is allowed after the seventh day of Pesach.
(Excerpts from Likutey, Rabbi Najman)
In Hebrew the word "controversy" (discussion-conflict) is said: "Majloket" and is composed of the words "Jelek" "Party" and "Met" which is "dead" the person who enters Majloket (controversy ) part of it dies.
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