Watch out! Slow down.

Watch out! Slow down.

Why are we in such a hurry?
You will probably have many answers, such as: "because you need to work a lot to get a living or because you don't have enough time, etc ..."
But you have been thinking What is your final destination?
Perhaps, this note will make us reconsider a bit and thus, we strive in our spiritual task:
"You have to try harder, for the soul than for the money"
Let man remember how diligent and in a hurry he behaves when trying to get money, he spends day and night thinking about that and only considers as friendship the one that helps him accumulate wealth, however, it is possible that all His efforts are in vain, for he could lose everything, or his wealth could be detrimental to him, or he could even die in a short time, but despite everything, his effort remains immense.
And if so he strives for the physical, then what does he do for his soul that is eternal?
Even more so, man must perfect his soul, acting diligently and constantly remembering that he must refine and purify it with a purification that will last forever.
Observe the difference between the two worlds:
One is far superior to the other, in the same way that light outperforms darkness.
Start giving time to the spiritual, and you will see that your time will begin to pay off, besides that you will be making a true "Eternal" investment.
The Garden of Breslev recommends: