Stick to the good guys!

Stick to the good guys!

You have to know that the Eternal can delight in the lowest of his children, because the most distant person can give Immense Joy to the Almighty!

If you have ever felt desperate, as if you were in a well from which you cannot get out, then we give you important information so that this deception does not catch you! and you can quickly get out of any difficult situation.

"It is never too late to return to the Eternal" and have the opportunity to improve, for this reason it is "Strictly forbidden to lose hope and No matter how low we have fallen ", the Eternal will never abandon his love for us!

To be successful we must be inspired!

It is very necessary to go after those who "authentically believe", those men who have Emunah , who are upright and who know how to find the good in each person, who know how to listen and share problems and concerns and gently and enthusiastically lead our hearts Back to the Blessed Creator in a few words: "Help you", these are the "Builders of the good"!

Run away from negative (toxic) people! Those who only know how to see "your bad side and that of others", only see defects and faults, these people do no good to anyone! , since when speaking ill of yourself or others they are only generating the terrible sin of "Lashon hara" which means: gossip, whispering, destructive criticism (often also disguised as ridicule or jokes) the wise call these as "murderers "since what they really do is destroy three people: who they speak of, who listens and the murmurrer himself. Courage! Let no one discourage you! You are very valuable to your Creator! Now make Him happy, give a little change and RETURN TO HIM! Because Hashem LOVES YOU!

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