Free love a solution for all ills

Free love a solution for all ills

What do you think?

Tonight here in Israel, an Orthodox man came to read the Meguilat Esther from outside the house of a person who is in isolation due to the corona virus or Covi-19, because he cannot go out to comply with the The command to listen to the reading of the Megilla, this man came with a good heart to help his neighbor.
Let's see now:
The gematria of the "CORONA" virus is 367 and the Gematria of "I beg you Hashem heal her" (in Hebrew: He Na Rafa Na La) is also 367.
We precisely find this phrase in the Torah (Numbers 12, 13) when Moshe pleads with the Creator for the health of his sister Miriam, who was ill with leprosy and had been "isolated" for having made a mistake, speaking with Aaron of Moshe about the Cushit woman he had taken as his wife (Numbers 12: 1).
His isolation from her was caused by Lashon Hara or defamation.
It is known that this bad trait of speaking ill of one's neighbor is part of a gratuitous hatred, the opposite of "gratuitous love" or rather love of neighbor. Chesed! Goodness!
Now you know what our sages have been saying so much in recent days: "that this terrible virus outbreak has been caused by gratuitous hatred and the only way we can stop it and stop this" mass isolation "is through Teshuva, love of neighbor and kindness. "
For Judaism there are no coincidences!
The Garden of Breslev 🔥 Illuminating the world🌎 with Emuna.