Tammuz 17 a day of fasting

Tammuz 17 a day of fasting

This Sunday June 27 is the 17 of Tammuz of the Hebrew calendar, and it is a day of fasting, also the time of "the three weeks" begins
Why do we fast on this day?

Let's see ...

The Mishnah points out five tragic events that occurred on this day in the 17th of the month of Tammuz:

-The first tablets were broken when Moshe descended from Mount Sinai, and saw the golden calf along with the rites that accompanied it.

-The offering of the daily sacrifice was suspended in the first Beit Hamikdash (the first Great Temple), as the Kohanim found no lambs to offer in sacrifice.

-A breach was made in the wall of the City of Jerusalem at the time of the Second Beit Hamikdash.

-In the time of the Second Great Temple, Apostomus the wicked, burned the Torah.

-An idol was placed inside the Sanctuary.

There are days when all the people of Israel we fast as a consequence of the calamities that occurred.

The objective of these fasts is to awaken the heart of the person towards repentance, by remembering their own negative acts, as well as those of their ancestors and for me means of it "Return to the Good Path", as expressed in the verse in Leviticus 26:40, "And they will confess their sins and the sin of their ancestors"

Each one should use these days to introspection and repent, since the essential foundation of a fast day is to motivate people to repent, as the verse states regarding the town of Ninvé in: Iona (Jonah) 3:10 "And Hashem saw their acts"

It is also important to emphasize that on this day (17 of Tammuz) we begin with the period of three weeks ( 21 days) between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of the month of Av, called Bein Hametzarim, "Among afflictions"

In the verse Lamentations 1 : 3 expresses: "All her persecutors reached her amid afflictions"

The Sages explained that they refer to the days of affliction between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av, where many as tragedies in our Town.

During those weeks we diminish the degree of our rejoicing, weddings are not celebrated and we refrain from listening to music, dancing, taking pleasure trips, wearing new clothes or articles, as well as cutting ourselves hair or shaving.

(Extracts of Sefer Hatodá)

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