"Parasha Vaierá" Bereshit-Genesis 18,1 - 22, 24

"Parasha Vaierá" Bereshit-Genesis 18,1 - 22, 24

The Torah tells us:

"The Creator appeared to him in the mambre grove, while he was at the entrance of the store, during the heat of the day"

It was specifically By being sick and weak after circumcision Abraham had the merit of a revelation from the Creator.
The same applies to anyone who is sick and weak, deserves that the Divine Presence rests on him. (Nedarim 40a).

In the most difficult and painful moments of our life, it is right there that the Divine Presence comes to protect and save us. So don't limit your Creator, have Emunah, because Hashem is right there with you!

The Torah shows us Abraham's deep desire for Divinity ...
"He was sitting at the entrance of the tent during the heat of the day" When a person seeks spirituality, he must learn to wait some opening, some entrance, and never lose hope.
You must wait to be patient, 'despite the heat', despite your ardent desires.
If you stand firm, you will deserve that the Eternal 'appear' as it is written ...
"He saw three walkers "because the ascent to Holiness demands many efforts, it is not possible to enter in the first attempt.
How it is written:" He ran "because Abraham carried out the Precepts with agility, joy and zeal.

Dedicated for the prompt Refua Shlema of all the sick of Am Israel and for the help of all those in need.

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