Pirkei Avot

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An essential book!

The Mishna, "Pirkei Avot"

Complete edition, Hebrew Spanish with comments. Hardcover edition, more than 540 pages.

The literal translation of Pirkei Avot, is "The chapters of the Avot", our fathers, thus referring to the sages and teachers, whose indications and teachings we will study in the chapters of this Treaty. And why is it called Avot?

Explains the author of "Tiferet Israel ": because all the principles of conduct that We find in all the works of Israel and the peoples of the world All without exception they are found in the chapters of the book of Avot. We read what Rabbi writes Ovadia de Bartenura, author of the comment to the Mishnah:
“.... because this treatise is not organized as a commentary to a precept, of the precepts from the Torah" (613), What
the rest from the Treaties Mishnatics but it is about moral and virtue teachings, and since the wise men of the earth also wrote similar books of moral ethical content and the behavior of man towards others, which were conceived from their own hearts, the Tanaite began the Treatise stating that Moshe received the Torah from Sinai, to tell you that the virtues and moral teachings of the same, were not conceived by the sages of the Mishnah, from their own hearts, but also heard they igined at Sinai. Rabbi Yehuda Hanasí, president of the Sanhedrin, was the compiler of the Mishnah, it would be interesting to ask, why did you choose the principles cited in the Treatise, and what were the parameters of your choice? The Rabbis tell us that Rabbi Yehuda chose those rules and aphorisms that he set as pattern for daily behavior; as cough teaches efta in Iebamot 8 :. Said Rabbi Eleazar ben Azaria
“Good are the concepts that come out of the mouths that apply ”.
Leading by example is not an easy thing, but the great Rabbis of each generation they teach that it is not impossible. "Good qualities are achieved after struggles internal with the "Ietzer will do ”(evil instinct) and are the result of ethical and moral conduct whose goal is to achieve the perfection that Gd ordained us. Us would remain a point for clear out, for what reason the Treaty from Avot I know finds in the volume "Nezikin", the fourth of the volumes that make up the Mishnah, which deals with the system
legal, similar damages? ...
world to come ”, because if the wise think that both the righteous and the wicked, without
exception, they have part in the world to come, then they are all equal, and this is a
impossible reality; for HaShem, because it is written: "HaShem is honest
and without injustice,
just and upright is He ”(Debarim 32: 4).
If the wise say that everyone who calls himself "Israel" is assured that he will be a righteous
male and that is why he has a part in the world to come, this too is impossible, because the reality proves us, that there are many Hebrews who are agnostic, and the Talmudic source quoted above, he adds, that they have no part in the world to come.
The author of "Akedat Yitzchak" explains to us that the intention of our sages, is to tell us
that everyone, who is considered Tzadik (righteous), is considered Israel. Each member of our people are committed to conducting themselves according to the Torah and its precepts, and if so
then he will be considered a "Tzadik", just male.
And now it is clear that “everything that is part of the world came
dero, is considered Israel, not
in name only, but in essence ”(Shaar Shishim).
When he says "All Israel", he does not exclude the pious and upright of the peoples of the world,
Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon (Maimonides), fails to say that he who fulfills the seven precepts of Noah (Noah) , because the ord enó He Holy Blessed be He, in the Torah, for source of Moshe, our teacher, is considered one of the pious of the nations of the world, and merits a portion in the world to come (Laws of Teshuva repentance 3: 5).
They asked the Chafetz Chaim Why do we go out of our way to get people to study
Torah? If the wise men "promise" us that all Israel (has a part) in the world to come
I will tell you something that happened, the Rabbi replied:
In the city of Kiev, there was a very rich and famous man, his name was Israel Brodsky, it had many factories, and a large number of workers, accountants, and executives. Each from them he received his salary according to his hierarchy.
This man was very giving and charitable and his hand was open to all, different institutions received their help, as well as families who had fallen apart, in particular he helped his poor relatives, to whom he gave a monthly sum.
All this was written in his books and as a custom he visited his factories from time to time in weather.
Once, he came to visit one of its factories, in the company of the top executives of his company, they introduced him to the heads of the different departments, whom he greeted, asking them about the position they held aban, the salary they received and others like it.
In this way the different directors and the hundreds of workers from that factory.
Among them a person approached, the potentate greeted him like everyone else and made the same questions than the previous ones.
He replied in the Russian language:
I receive a salary --- he meant, that he is one of his relatives who received his salary monthly, doing nothing.
All the people laughed out loud.
This, said the old Rabbi, is the answer to your question, it is true that all Israel has a part in the world to come, but there are some who are paid doing nothing and this do understand it !.
(Commentary of the Chafetz Chaim, on Avot).
I want to thank all those who made this work a reality, that HaShem bless, amen.
I want to remember with much affection my children and grandchildren their warmth and love strengthen me. To my wife, without your help I would not have been able to study the Torah.
Above all I thank HaShem, Eternal HaShem, for protecting me, bless me with health, peace, joy, children, grandchildren, students and wonderful friends.
With the help of the Almighty, we present to you the second edition of “Pirke
Avot ”, the
which we edit at the request of numerous Spanish-speaking brothers who wish to study the famous maxims
of our Sages, they have already said, "Do not separate yourself from their maxims" (Ch. 5:22). "You will meditate on it day and night" (Yeoshua 1: 8). For any doubt you have, analyze
the words of the Sages and you will find answers. Rabbi Iona Blickstein
Caracas, Venezuela, Jeshvan 5763
October 2002

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D to to sb i bli og r af i cos of the Sabi or s
mentioned in the Pirkei vot
The Sages mentioned in Avot, acted between the years 200 before the common era, until 220 of this era. This era can be divided into several parts.
Shimon Hatzadik to Raban Yochanan Ben Zakai (200 BC
40 of the common era), known as the
"Time of couples"
(Ch. 1), at this time the Greeks ruled, the Hasmonaim rebelled and occupied the government
at the end of that epoch, Roman oppression began.
First generation of the Tanaites:
(Torah scholars).
This generation was led by Raban Iojanan Ben Zakai 40
80 of the common era, in this time the second temple was destroyed.
Second generation, of the Tanaites:
The wise men of Yavne, Rabban Gamliel of Yavne and Rabban's Students Yochanan Ben Zakay 80
110 of the common era.
Third generation of the Tanaites:
The generation of the Bar Kokhva Rebellion. Rabbi Akiva was the spiritual leader of the uprising against the Romans, 110
135 of the era common.
Fourth generation of the Tanaites:
Persecutions and bad edicts, among others, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochay and Rabbi Meir 135 acted -
170 of the common era.

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Fifth generation of the Tanaites: Rabbi Yehuda Hanasí
, compiled the Mishnah; together with the great sages of his genre action 170
200 of the common era.
Between the 200s
220 Common Era, Raban Gamliel, son of Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi, Rabbi Shimon, Rabbi Yeoshua Ben Levy and others.
Shimon Hatzadik (the righteous)
Grand Priest, of the remnants of the “Knesset Haguedola ”(Great Assembly), served
for forty years, as High Priest, he was student of Antigonos son of Sojo
the pot of oil, at the Hanukkah event, was stamped with his name, his son Matitiahu, Cohen Gadol (High Priest).
The so-called "Hashmonaim" were Shimon, Yocha
nan, Iehuda, Ionathan and Eleazar.
Antigonos de Sojo, student of Shimon Hatzadik
, after him, the epoch begins of couples.
Iosi Ben Ioezer
, President of the Sanhedrin,
Iosi Ben Iojanan
, Head of the Tribunal, Antigonos students.
Nitay haarbeli
, President of the Sanhedrin,
Ieoshua Ben Perajia
, Head of the Tribunal, (year 103 BC)
during the reign of Alexander Ianai (103
765 before of the common era).
Yehuda Ben Tabai
, President of the Sanhedrin and
Shimon Ben Shetach,
Head of the Tribunal, in the days of Alexander Ianai and his wife Shlomitzion (103
67 BC).
, President of the Sanhedrin and
, Head of the Tribunal
End of time the Hashmonaim, beginning of the reign of King Hordus; they were both descendants of converts, there are those who believe that Josephus Flavius (Joseph Ben Matitiahu) mentions Abtalion in his books, with the name of Pollio. And as one of the great sages of his epoch.
, President of the Sanhedrin,
, Head of the Court, during the reign of Hordus, before the era of the destruction of the Temple.
Raban Gamliel,
President of the Sanhedrin before the destruction of the Second Temple.
Rabbi Shimon, son of Gamliel
, President of the Sanhedrin, in the generation of the destruction of the Temple, father of Rabbi Yehuda Hanasí, the prince, presided over the Sanhedrin after the Bar Kochva rebellion (132
Raban Yojanan Ben Zakai
80 of the common era; in the year 70 the Sacred Temple.

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