Maimonides Book of Precepts

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Book of Precepts -Sefer Hamitzvot of Maimonides.

Collection of 2 TOMOS.

Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides)

Spanish edition of the 613 Mitzvot (precepts) of the Torah complemented with notes and comments from the Talmud, Guide for the Perplexed and the Sefer HaJinuch.

This is one of the most fascinating works written by the famous Jewish sage and legislator, also a famous philosopher and doctor Rambam (Maimonides)

Presents a precise enumeration of the 613 Biblical Precepts, 248 Positive (“you will”, in volume 1) and 365 Negative (“you will not”, in volume 2).

Hardcover edition.

468 pages (volume I) and 492 (volume 2).